Monday, April 13, 2020

The King Foretold

Last summer, the New York City Church of Christ Teen Camp theme was The Risen King. Ross Lippencott and the Youth and Family Ministry staff asked me to write a six part Quiet Time series for the camp.  These were written with our teenagers in mind, most of whom are not yet disciples.  None of the campers mentioned the queit times to me, good or bad, but I did get some really  positive feedback from the counselors. Any way, it seems appropriate to me to roll out a series of quiet about our Risen King on the day after Easter.  Each one included some questions in hopes of sparking some thought about Jesus within the hearts and minds of the campers.  I have included them here.  My plan is to put one Quiet Time out each day through Saturday. I will start with Monday's Quiet Time: The King Foretold.

Seven Hundred years before Jesus was born, Isaiah wrote this :

“For unto us a child is born, 

   To us a son is given,

    And the government will be on his shoulders.

And he will be called

   Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

   Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace 
   there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
  And over his kingdom,
Establishing and upholding it
  With justice and righteousness
  From that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty 
  Will accomplish this.”
                            Isaiah 9:6-7

Isaiah’s prophecy says that a king is going to come.  This king would come to us as a child but would eventually establish an eternal kingdom through justice and righteousness. Also according to Isaiah, this king would bring great peace to his kingdom, a peace without end.  This is the king foretold. Many prophets wrote about him. (see also Micah 5:2, Jeremiah 23:5, Ps 2:6-7) This king that the prophets wrote about is Jesus.

This prophecy tells about a king, but he will be more than a king.  Isaiah mentions four other roles of this king: He is called: 1) Wonderful Counselor, 2) Mighty God, 3) Everlasting Father and 4) Prince of Peace. 

Consider King Jesus in all of these roles:
1. The Wonderful Counselor offers guidance and wisdom for our lives.  
2. The Mighty God has all power and authority to work on our behalf.
3. The Everlasting Father loves us the way a father loves his child.
4. The Prince of Peace makes peace, particularly between God and man.

Something to think about:
1. Isaiah prophesied about Jesus over 700 years before he was born.  Knowing that Jesus fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecies and many others, how does that affect your faith?
2. How has Jesus brought peace to you?  
3. Which of King Jesus’ other roles is most meaningful to you?  Why?

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