Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Glorious King

David wrote this in Psalms 24:7-10
Lift up your heads, you gates,
Be lifted up, you ancient doors,
That the King of Glory may come in.
Who is this King of Glory?
The Lord strong and mighty,
The Lord mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, you gates,
Lift them up, you ancient doors,
That the King of Glory may come in.
Who is He, this King of Glory?
The Lord Almighty, He is the King of Glory.

Our King Jesus is a Glorious King. David tells us a lot about His Glory. He is strong. He is mighty. But where does He show himself to me mighty? He is mighty in battle. We don't often think of Jesus as this kind of king. We think of him as a gentle king, holding a lamb, but Jesu is a warrior. David calls Him, the Lord Almighty. This is translated from the Hebrew phrase, Yahweh Tsavaot. While the NIV translates this as Lord Almighty, it could also be translated as Lord of Armies (Yahweh = Lord, Tsavaot = Armies) You see, Jesus, King of Glory is a fighter, a warrior, a conqueror ad He leads the armies of God into battle. He is glorious in battle and the King of Glory. Remember how Jesus made a whip out of cords and drove out the money changers from the temple because they were robbing people? (Matt.21:12-13) Jesus was willing to fight for people. He fights spiritual battles on our behalf, as well. (See Proverbs 21:31, Jude 24) And the good news is, He always wins. (See I Cor. 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.)
Questions to consider:
1. How does it change your perception of Jesus to think of Him as a warrior?
2. How does it make you feel to know that Jesus, the King of Glory, will fight for you, and He can't lose?

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