Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Questioner, Part 3

Hey everyone.
Well, I survived two camps and the start of the school year.  Today is my birthday, I'm 49.  Tonight I would like to jump back into the story of Gideon, and share more lessons that I have learned from him.  It has been a while since I wrote my last post, so just to remind you, God calls Gideon a "mighty warrior," but in everything we have seen about Gideon so far, he does not really seem like one. 

In Judges 6:33-40 Gideon continues to question God, and God continues to be very patient with Gideon.  This time, Gideon says, "If you will save Israel by my as you have promised," then asks God to do the famous "fleece" test.  And he doesn't ask once, he asks twice.  What is he really asking God, here?  He is asking, "God, are you really going to do what you say you are going to do?" or maybe, God, can you do do what you say you are going to do?"  At the root of his question was , is God good for his word?  He asks God to complete an impossible task, and God does it, twice.

Gideon was having a hard time trusting God's promise to him.  Do you ever have a difficult time trusting God's promises.  Heb 6:18 tells us that God can't lie, so if he makes a promise, he has to keep it.  Gideon ultimately learns that God is good for his word and has the power to back it up.  My own experiences as a disciple back that concept up as well. 

So God proved to Gideon with his "fleece" test that he can do anything, but to be honest, Gideon still doesn't look like much of a warrior. But God is not done with Gideon yet.  

Side Note: I have heard of people who have "put out the fleece."  My advice is that it may not be the best way to make decisions.  God agreed to Gideon's fleece test, that doesn't mean he has agreed to yours.  I think a better idea would be to pray intently about something, and ask God to make his will so obvious that even you can't miss it. 


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