Friday, August 10, 2012

The Questioner, Part 2

Hey everybody

Leaving in the morning for Teen Camp.  I thought I would share one more time before going.  I will continue the story of Gideon out of Judges 6.  Gideon wasn't afraid to question God, and God was very patient with Gideon.  Altogether, God gives Gideon four signs that he is with him and that Gideon has no reason to fear.

The first of these signs comes when Gideon asks God to show him a sign that it was really God speaking to him.  (6:17 - 23) Perhaps Gideon feared that this was some one else's voice speaking to him, just claiming to be God, or perhaps he was just afraid to do what God was telling him. but either way, Gideon wanted prof that this was coming from God.  Perhaps we can be like this as well, when we question God's will in our lives.  "How can this really be your will God?" I've said it, have you?  
Any way, Gideon prepares meat and bread and sets it on a rock.  The angel of the Lord touches it with his staff and flames shoot up out the rock and devour it all.  As signs from God go, this one must have been very cool to watch.  So Gideon gets his proof.

Going on from there, God tells Gideon to go break down his father's alter to Baal, build a proper alter, then cut down the Asherah pole (which was made of wood) and use it for the fire for the offering.  Now God has been reassuring Gideon that he is with him and that Gideon does not need to be afraid.  However, Gideon is still afraid, so he goes at night and tears down the alter and pole.  Notice that Gideon is fearful, but he is still obedient.  He does what God tells him to, which is good, but he does it in the least risky way possible.  God is telling Gideon that he is a warrior, but he does not look or feel like one yet.        

Gideon's hometown is very angry and want to kill him, but God manages to work it out for Gideon that there are no repurcussions.  Plus, he gets a cool nickname out of the deal.

Are we like Gideon, , fearful, trying to be disciples with easiest way possible.  Well, if that is case, then, also like Gideon that is a warrior inside there trying to break out.  Fearful or not, Gideon was obedient.  let's do the same, and allow God to stretch our faith the way he ultimately stretches Gideon's.

The Lord is with you mighty warrior.

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