Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Wilderness, Part 2

Hey everyone.
In my previous post I talked about going to the Conversations Conference and hearing different speakers talk about lessons they learned while in the wilderness, then coming and basically entering into a time of wilderness.  We looked at Deuteronomy 8, and how Gow says that He had used the wilderness to humble and test the Israelites.

I want to share another lesson on the wilderness.  Someone spoke about this at the conference, but I do not know who to give the credit to.  Deut. 8:3-4 syas, " He humbled you, causing you t hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you not you ancestors had known, to teach you that man does nto live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.  Your clothes did not wear out and your feet did not swell during these forty years."  The point that someone made at the conference was that the Israelites were not abandoned, just because they were in the wilderness.  God continued to take care of them.  He fed them and gave them some very sturdy clothes that did not wear out for forty years.  They wandered around in that wilderness for forty years without their swelling.  He took care of them nutritionally, materially and physically. 

As we continue to wak around in this wilderness, God continues to take care of His people.  I am fortunate, in that both my wife and I are able to work from home.  I know that not everyone is so fortunate.  I don't know things are going for you in this time of wilderness, but I believe that God will provide.  Note that God did not provide that manna and quail unitl the Israelites knew they were hungry.  Verse 3 says, "He humbled you, causing you to hunger, then feeding you.''  So if you are having a tough tme in the wilderness, don't despair.  God has not abandoned you,  He may be letting get hungry, but He will feed you. 

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