Saturday, December 9, 2017

Who God is and what He wants

Hey everyone.

I've continued my study of Deuteronomy and wanted share a little bit from it.  In Deut. 10:12-22, God spells out who He is and what He wants from his people, and I wanted to share those things with you, today.

In Deut 10:12-13, it says, "And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to Him, to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the Lord's commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?"  It breaks down like this; What does God ask of His people:

  • Fear God.
  • Walk in obedience to God.
  • Love God.
  • Serve God with all your heart.
  • Serve God with all your soul.
  • Observe God's commands.
It sounds a lot like the discipleship of the New Testament, doesn't it?  The standard of obedience to God has really always been the same.  Total. Complete.  Giving our heart and soul to it.  Even in the Old Testament, this was God desired of His people.  Why should God expect so much of his people?  He answers that in the verses (Deut. 10:14-18) that follow where He describes Himself.  This is what He says:

  • God owns the heavens.
  • He owns the Earth and everything in it.
  • He is God of gods.
  • He is Lord of lords.
  • He is the Great God
  • He is Mighty.
  • He is Awesome.
  • He shows no partiality.
  • He accepts no bribes.
  • He defends the cause of the fatherless.
  • He defends the cause of the widows.
  • He loves and cares for the foreigner. 
This a long list of God's attributes, and in the middle of all this, He tells them that He had chosen them and placed His love on them.  Throughout Deuteronomy, God has reminded them of what He had  done for them in leading them out of Egypt and bondage.  So with regard to who God is and what He had done for them, God was not expecting too much out of His people.  Likewise, if we apply this to ourselves, God is the same God and has rescued His people from much (a different slavery, perhaps.)  Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable for God to call us to the whole-hearted, whole-souled service.

1 comment:

  1. Great Stuff Tom -- I appreciate this perspective. God has all authority and power, above all and in all & therefore, he can and has authority to dictate terms of following him. I can look a lot into what God has done for me, therefore I should follow him, but this perspective is equally as refreshing, considering who God is, I must follow him! Why wouldn't I?!
