Saturday, June 8, 2013

Nehemiah's Message to Dads

Hey everyone.
Here in the New Jersey ministry, we have been going through Good Enough parenting by John and Karen Louis.  It has been tremendous and I have learned a great deal.  I am working really hard to be a better father to my two sons.  Perhaps it is because of this focus that I am seeing a very clear message from Nehemiah for fathers.  Let's have a look:

In Nehemiah 4 the Israelites are facing much opposition for those who do not want the walls of Jerusalem rebuilt.  Nehemiah posted guards with swords, spears and bows to insure that the important work continued.  He called out to the men of the city in 4:14 and said, "Don't be afraid of them.  Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes."  He said this because he understood that they were in a battle to accomplish something great.  This great work would benefit these men and their families (and future generations) and the men of Jerusalem needed to take up this cause and be willing to fight for the benefit of their families.  We, likewise, are trying to build something great, whether it is a great ministry or a great family.  We must be involved and in the fight if it is to be great.  Obviously, my battle is different.  As I fight for my children, I will not be taking up a sword or a spear.  My fight will more likely be with myself. 

I fight for time.  It is easy to just drift along from day to day, caught up in the busyness of life, and not make the needed time for my sons.   I fight for humility. (If I don't win this fight, I end up fighting with them and not for them.) 

I have to fight for self-control. Without good organizational skills I don't make the time my boys need.  Perhaps we are not getting the one-on-one time they need, or we are not getting into the word as a family.  When this happens, I am losing the battle.  If I have no self-control over my emotions, the fights get louder and louder, and my boys get hurt.  I am losing the fight again.  I may not be facing Sanballat and Tobiah, but the fight I face for my family is just as real, and these are battles I can't lose.

The good news here is that Nehemiah gives good advice.  We fight for our families within the context of remembering the greatness and awesomeness of God.  As a father, I need to remember Nehemiah's clear focus on God and on prayer.



  1. That was so real Tom, I appreciate your vulnerability here :)

  2. Thanks for your honesty, it helps me to spend time with other disciple's kids and my daughter loves to be around them too.
