Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Man who Dares

Hey everyone.
It has been a busy week for the Hugheses.  Wendy has been directing the musical at my school and Caleb is in it.  The show is this weekend, so we have been very busy.  They are doing Guys and Dolls.  I saw it last night.  It was very good. It was very cool seeing how my son has grown as a performer. 

Any way, back to Nehemiah.  In my two previous posts, I talked about Nehemiah and his prayer in chapter 1.  In chapter 2 we see Nehemiah appearing before the king.  The king asked him why he is so sad.  He explains what has happened in Jerusalem, and they king asks him what he wants.  Nehemiah utters a quick prayer and then is very bold.  He wants to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild it.  It is a bold request by a servant to the king, but the king grants it.  but I want to focus on what happens next.  Most people would have just been happy to be allowed to go on this journey, thanked the king and not asked for anything else.  Not Nehemiah.  Since God had worked this out for him, Nehemiah then asks for letters to the governors guaranteeing their safe passage. Then he asks for lumber from the royal park.  Not only does he ask to go, he asks for materials from the king with which to accomplish his task.

Nehemiah makes some very daring requests.  But understand that prior to this conversation with the king, Nehemiah had spend considerable time in prayer and fasting before the Lord.  This post could be called A Man of Prayers, Part 3.  It was his consistent prayer and relationship with God that prompted Nehemiah into such bold action.  If you look at Neh. 2:8, after his requests are granted, Nehemiah acknowledges that it was the gracious hand of God at work.  Then verse 9 says that the king also sent along army officers and cavalry.     So you never know.  Pray then be bold.  Nehemiah got even more then he asked for.  The gracious hand of God was truly at work for this man of prayer.

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