Monday, June 25, 2012

Unlikely heroes

Hey everyone.

The Hugheses are leaving in the morning for a grand vacation.  We are going to Illinois for my Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary, then to Texas for the World Discipleship Summit.  An exciting road trip.

Any way,  I wanted to share a little bit from what I have learned from Judges before I go.  Judges 3 tells two stories, Ehud and Shamgar.  Both saved Israel.  During Ehud's time Israel was being oppressed by the Moabites.  The Moabites oppressed Israel for 18 years before the Israelites finally cried out to God for help.  Ehud is God's chosen deliverer.  Ehud visits Eglon, king of Moab.  He tells him that he has a special message for hm from God that he needs to deliver privately.  Ehud stabs Eglon with a sword, and Eglon is so fat that Ehud shoves the sword inside him completely and loses the sword inside of Eglon and the fat closes over it.  Ehud escapes because Eglon's servants think that he is just taking a long time going to the bathroom.  The Bible says that they wait to the point of embarrassment before unlocking the room.  This time allows Ehud to escape and rally the Israelites who attack and turn the tables on Moab.  Here is something I found interesting.  Judges 3:15 says that Ehud was a left-handed man.  Several commentaries that I looked tell me that the word that was translated as left-handed could have also meant "crippled in the right hand."  It is not certain, but is quite possible, based on what I have read, that God's choice for deliverer was a man with a fairly significant handicap.

OK, now let's look at Shamgar.  The Bible devotes one verse to his exploits.  It simply says that he killed 600 Philistines with an oxgoad and saved Israel.  Pretty good.  Just so you know, an oxgoad was an 8 foot stick that was sharp on one end and flattened on the other.  The sharp end was for poking the oxen that pulled the plow, and the flat end was for cleaning dirt off of the plow.  Shamgar was likely a farmer.  The farmer became a warrior and saved his people.

Sounds like neither man was someone we might have selected to be the heroes of Israel, yet God chose them.  Why?  Because in a nation where very few people had much of a heart for God, they did, and that was all God needed in order to work.


1 comment:

  1. Hey there, Big brother!
    God bless you and our family!
    I pray and hope all of you al have an incredible road/vacation trip/time! I think that is an incredible idea to bond and enjoy with each other. You will all remember this time together, and I believe your family will be more unified because of it, and other events like it..

    Now, Brother, about this blog piece:
    Masterfully put!
    I will say it again: you are gifted by GOD!
    Keep writhing and sharing! And I hope and encourage you to work on that book you GOD wants you to write.

    Thank you BIG!
    Love, your little brother, littleboyhowdy!
