Tuesday, December 27, 2016

In Whose Image?

Hello everyone.

I have continued my study of the book of Matthew and I am now up Matthew 22, where Jesus asked about paying to Caesar.  I have read this story many times.  This time, while reading a commentary on Matthew called Be Loyal by Warren Wiersbe, I read a connection that I had not seen before. I want to share some thought about it.

I'm sure you are familiar with the story.  The disciples of the Pharisees, teamed with the Herodians, attempt to trap Jesus in his words.  Asking about paying taxes to Caesar, they think that if Jesus answers that they should pay taxes to the Romans, he will be in trouble with the people, and if He says that they shouldn't, he would be in trouble with the Romans.  But as they always did, they underestimated Jesus, and He turned a o-win situation into a victory.  He has them show him a coin, and asks, "Who's image is it?"  The coin has Caesars' image on it, and Jesus says, "So give back to Caesar, what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's."

Here is the point Wiersbe made.  While Caesar had placed his own image on the money, God, back in Gen. 1:27 had placed his own image on us. So, if I am understanding properly, we should pay our taxes (give to Caesar what is Caesar's), but more importantly, we are to give our selves to God, in whose image we carry. I don't know if those who heard Jesus say this, made that connection or not, but certainly his answer was good enough that they left.  But whether they made the connection or not, we certainly can.

For me, this is a good time to think about such things.  As I go into a new year, I always make some resolutions.  Sometimes I do a good job keeping them, sometimes I do not.  This year, I have to ask myself what can I do to better declare the image that I bare.
